To All students and Instructors

 From SIDOL Management 

All students are reminded that the registration for the October/November exam is now open.

Payment and registration for the exam is done at the Ministry of Education at the Exam and Assessment section.

Students should ensure that they go for the payment for their exam themselves or to accompany their parents. 


Attention all Students & Instructors !!


Classes at SIDOL will resume as of Monday 11th  May 2020

The time table remains the same

We look forward to see you all.

SIDOL Management.

Kindly note that all SIDOL students who has registered for the Cambridge May/June exam 2020 are being informed that exam has cancelled.  Students will be reimbursed their money or re-registered for the oct/nov 2020 exam at no additional cost. SIDOL would like to advice all its students to keep studying and in contact with their respective instructors for help and assistance with any academic work.



Following the president's announcement of closure of all Professional Centers with immediate effect, all SIDOL learners and instructors are advised to visit the following Cambridge website for past exam papers, advice and online support.


Below are courses that SIDOL is offering in 2020. Application forms can be downloaded from our website or can be collected at the Institution located at Mont Fleuri from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during weekdays.

Members of the public who went to the STC hypermarket yesterday had the chance to learn more on the different further learning opportunities that the Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning is offering.

Staff of the Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning (Sidol formerly Aldec) were at the hypermarket at Bois de Rose talking to people and informing them on what the institution has to offer in terms of courses.

Guests and delegates in a souvenir photograph after the opening ceremony

A group of literacy instructors, vocational training teachers, programme coordinators from professional centres are following a week-long training to enhance their teaching skills and boost their competencies.

The Minister for Education, Macsuzy Mondon, has said during the last 15 years the country has worked a lot to improve the level of literacy which has resulted in a better future for many of our adults.

The minister was speaking during the Literacy Certificate Presentation Ceremony hosted last week by the Seychelles Institute of Distance & Open Learning (SIDOL). The award ceremony is an annual event to commemorate the International Literacy Day which falls on September 8.

This year’s theme was celebrated under the theme ‘Reading The Past - Writing The Future’.

As part of her round of visits to professional centres, Education Minister Jeanne Simeon yesterday visited the Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning (SIDOL), previously known as ALDEC.

SIDOL director, Stella Bergmann, welcomed Minister Simeon alongside other officials both from the institute and the ministry.

The aim of this visit was to discuss the challenges that the institute is facing and for Minister Simeon to be acquainted with the different centres based under her ministry.

“As the new minister, I want to see and acquaint myself with the staff and know a bit of what they are doing well, as well as the challenges and how the Ministry of Education can offer its assistance,” said Minister Simeon

A project aimed at training unemployed youth to sew reusable bags to supply a local tourism market has been launched.

The ‘Sea You In Seychelles’ project kicked off on February 20 at the Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning (Sidol), Mont Fleuri.

The workshop was attended by only four young people, including one young man from Corgat Estate, a sub district dubbed as “priority area” following a poverty and equality survey in 2013. The survey carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics found that around 40 percent of Seychellois were living below the poverty line.